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Project |01


Project |01 Cyclone Air Marketing Plan


Project: Create and present a marketing plan for a random product. Our team's product was an oscillating fan.


​Role: Project Manager


​Course: MARK 1115

Project |02 Channel Evaluation


Project: Analyze a company's current distribution channels and make recommendations. Our team's company was Da Bling Thing.


Role: created content and compiled document


Course: MARK 2000

Project |03 ESSIE Creative Brief


Project: Find an interesting ad and write a creative brief (reverse engineering). I choose Essie's nail polish advertisement.


Role: Personal Assignment


Course: MARK 2400

Project |02


Project |03


Project |04


Project |04 VITA COCO Media Plan


Project: Create and present an advertising/media plan for Vita Coco. *Favorite project to date!*​


Role: Designed advertising creative and created content for social media strategy.​


Course: MARK 2400

Project |05


Project |05 STARBUCKS Market Research Report


Project: Survey Starbucks customers and create a

marketing research report.


Role: Project Manager


Course: MARK 2100​

Project |06


Project |06 MAGSBC Marketing Plan


Project: Create and present a marketing plan for a company. Our company was The Magazine Association of BC.​


Role: Project Manager​


Course: MARK 2430​

Project |07


Project |07 CELL2CELL Retention Plan


Project: Create a retention plan for company Cell 2 Cell.​


Role: Designed direct mail and email pieces.​


Course: MARK 4220

Project |08


Project |08 Bella Mia Cosmetics
Crisis Communication Plan


​Project: prepare a Crisis Communications response.


Role: Project Manager, developed social media details, designed logo​


Course: MARK 3250

Project |09


Project |09 Commerce Carnival

​Project: plan and organize an event for client, and develop manual.


Role: Project Manager, Event Supervisor​


Course: MARK 3100

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